✔️ Information reviewed and updated in May 2024 by Eduardo López

2markets opinion

Opinions and information about the 2mercados broker

¿It is the really reliable 2markets broker? Is it safe for you to invest your money with this company? In this section we will analyze the company and its reputation as such on the internet.

Do you want to give us a hand and help inform about this company? We invite anyone who has experience with this company, to leave a comment with their experience and to rate the company according to their experience with it.

The 2mercados broker is a broker of: CFDs and Forex.

The broker mentions to be part of: Ventura Group LTD

2mercados is based in: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

If we talk about regulation, 2mercados is: it mentions being a broker registered in IFSC of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, but nothing about its regulation, everything indicates that it is an unregulated broker.

2mercados website
2mercados website

We will continue to analyze the different account types that 2mercados offers. In the case of 2mercados, we note that they offer 5 different types of account: the Silver Account, the Gold Account, the Platinum Account, the Black Account and the VIP Account.

Silver Account: minimum initial deposit of $ 5.000, leverage x2, senior analyst account, 3 trading sessions per week.

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Gold Account- $ 10.000 minimum initial deposit, x3 leverage, senior principal analyst account, 3 trading sessions per week, full education package.

Platinum Account- $ 25.000 minimum initial deposit, x5 leverage, senior principal analyst account, 3 trading sessions per week, full education package.

Black Account- $ 100.000 minimum initial deposit, x7 leverage, senior principal analyst account, daily signals, full education package.

VIP account- $ 500.000 minimum initial deposit, x9 leverage, senior principal analyst account, daily signals, full education package.

The platforms used to operate are: 2mercados' own platform.

Now, yes, we will go on to analyze the different resources and aids that the company provides to traders on its website: it really provides virtually no tools or resources for interested parties and traders.

Characteristics of 2mercados

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Additional information about the company

Phone number: 35 316 994 454

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.2mercados.com/?lang=es#

Clarification: The investment company 2mercados works in different countries, so the information provided may not apply to your country, this review is directed to Latin America and / or Spain.

* Bonuses or promotions: None by the moment

2markets valuation

Caution, scam broker Caution: unregulated broker

With the information we have so far, the comments and reviews of users and traders, our opinion is that it looks like a company we should be careful with. Why? It is an unregulated broker based in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, we have not been able to find many reviews about the company (indicating that it is a “new” company).

October 2019 update: CNMV, Spanish financial regulator, has reported to 2markets for fraudulent activities

March 2021 update: according to customer comments from 2markets, 2markets is linked to the Orotrader broker, another broker with a very bad reputation

Do you know this company? Do you think our opinion is not correct? Have you operated with her? Leave a comment with your experience.

Are you part of 2markets? Are you a representative or worker of the company? Write to us here >> use this form << 

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Eduardo Lopez

Editor and Copywriter

I am Eduardo López Martínez, I was born in Madrid, Spain and I am 48 years old. I am a journalist and I am part of the Brokersdeforexconfiables.com team. Do you want to know a little more about me? I invite you to read my biography.

See publications of Eduardo López

Review Rating

299 comments on «2mercados - 2mercados.com»

  1. Aleandro Victor Garcia Costa Reply

    Some time ago I lost an investment I made $900. But a law firm wanted to help me but I had to deposit $1000 to start the claim I didn't do it What truth can there be if they ask me for money for a trial that I won't win It wouldn't be better if I win the trial first and pay them

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Alelandro, if they called you if you had requested anything, be suspicious, many times they are the same broker scammers who pose as recoverers and seek to scam you more money. You have to be very attentive.

      You must recover your capital, so that they value your case and to recover the money talk to chat from our website or click on the following link where you will find a form: Get your money back, we help you


  2. Mauro Reply

    I am a victim of 2 markets, I was destroyed, but anyway I wanted to recover my capital from these thieves. And I managed to do it thanks to this page. Reliable Forex Brokers has been a great help and a great blessing to me. Then Mychargeback did all the work. I advise you to make that attempt.

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Mauro, what fantastic news! We appreciate that you have told us, we know that sometimes people have doubts but we know that many times it is achieved. Our recommendation is that if you intend to invest again, first check the name on our website or if you want to ask us, we will be happy to help you.

      We recommend all those affected to try to recover the money through companies specialized in this type of management from the CHAT that we have on the web or in the following link: Get your money back, we are on your side

      Before making another investment decision, check out this link: https://zuverlassigerforexbroker.com/beste-Makler-2021/


  3. JOHN PERU Reply

    Sirs, I also commented on a bad experience, I was scammed by this company 2mercados, I contacted them in March of this year for an ad on Facebook and then they invited me to invest and with the Anydesk application they entered your pc and made you win, later they insisted calling to invest more but I did not, and when my account was increased in their platform I requested a withdrawal but they never did it whenever I asked they only told me that it was in process, but then they call me on July 06 and 07 to tell me that They approved the withdrawal that I requested of 1000 dollars from their platform and that they helped me to be the transfer to my account that I have in Peru. and these criminal scammers take advantage of the personal information they ask for and withdrew without my consent the little money I had in my bank account.
    They NEVER deposited me, rather these thieves stole my savings account. And what's more, they already blocked me from entering their platform.
    Mr. DO NOT invest with these scammers who pose as good people because all they will want is for you to invest more or they will steal the money from your bank account.
    For my part, I already contacted my bank about what happened.
    I hope they are captured and the full weight of the law falls on these thieves and they pay for their crimes for defrauding so many people who put their trust in them.

    • gmez Reply

      Hello Juan Peru,
      Please, I'm from Peru too, what did they tell you at the bank? I too was scammed.
      I would appreciate if you share your experience and if we join in this fight against these evil born.

      • Alfred

        I give you the name of the person who scams, his name is Boaz Derra, he is Israeli, he lives in Polanco, Mexico, I leave you if fb facebook .com / boazderra

    • Justice Reply

      Ask the director of the company Mr. Boaz Derra to give you your money back. I leave his fb
      facebook .com / boazderra

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hi Juan, we thank you for sharing with us your experience with the 2mercados broker. What you say sounds very, very bad, and above all, it speaks very badly of the 2mercados broker.

      Do you have any other information about the broker (such as names of advisers, emails, phone numbers)?

      All the best

    • Anonymous Reply

      I am Chilean, I was also scammed by these scoundrels, when they no longer had a peso left to withdraw from my account they stopped calling me, I began to insist that I wanted to withdraw my capital and every time I contacted the same people who had me I asked for my documentation to register, they said that this was no longer part of their management, my broker was called José Canela, he contacted me with a certain Emily, personal assistant of cinnamon. When I said that I had no more money to invest, Canela was rude and pushy with me.
      It was hard for me to assume that I had been scammed, but my account has already been blocked and all the numbers that I contacted by whatsapp have blocked me. I am very disappointed that I trusted these scammers.
      I lost more than 3 million Chilean pesos, if anyone knows of an alternative to contact again please leave me details

    • Alfredo. Reply

      Hello John…

      Unfortunately the money that everyone has placed is not recovered, the company that operates this and another platform is located in Mexico DF, the exact address is Av Insurgentes Sur 105 edf el GRECO floor 12. The owners of this company are Jews, who are the tallest are ELAD and ALINA DROR, who by the way have just had a baby, who live very well with the money that has been stolen from all of you.

      The administrator is called BOAZ DERRA, he lives next to ETHAN ASCORBE AND MAXIMILIANO RONQUILLO in one of the most expensive areas of the city in POLANCO, they have surely spoken with them by phone, BOAZ is the one who calls himself Mark Gordon, Ethan, no He is almost in charge of calling only to do the banking transactions to steal, he calls himself EMILIO HERNANDEZ, and MAXIMILIANO RONQUILLO is nothing more than the famous DANIEL RASULO.

      If everyone agrees and makes an international complaint they can end this network of market scams or their new company http://www.orotranding.com that works in the same way, you will invest and never see profitability, you are an unregulated broker and your ONLY experience in the financial market is stealing. In the new company they have other names:

      Daniel is now lending himself as DALTON REAGAN
      Jose Canela as Jeremy
      Fernanda Duarte as Ferny Flower

      And so they are the same with different names, who is in charge of making you lose everything is Mathew, Raymond, Cristofer is the same person his real name is Rufino.

      I leave here the phone number of each one of them, in their bank accounts is your money.

      Fernanda Duarte Assistant, real name Celeste Perez: +52 5611767823
      Emilio Hernandez, real name Ethan Ascorve: +52 5586197443
      Daniel Rasulo or Dalton Reagan, real name Maximiliano Ronquillo: +525520774869
      Matheu Morales, Raymod, Jared… the Analyst, real name: Rufino: +525531200983

      Boaz Derra: +52 5543164290

      With their names and phone numbers they can find out all their information and report them internationally.

      • reliableforexbroker.com

        Important information

      • gmez

        Hi Alfredo,
        Read your comment carefully. With these data have you achieved something? Let me know, please. Thanks.

      • Adriana

        Alfredo please I need to talk to you

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