✔️ Information reviewed and updated in May 2024 by Eduardo López


Alpha Capital opinion

Opinions and information about the broker Alpha Capital


¿It is the broker Alpha Capital (aka alpha-ct.com) really trustworthy? Is it safe for you to invest your money with this company? In this section we will analyze the company and its reputation as such on the internet.

Do you want to give us a hand and help inform about this company? We invite anyone who has experience with this company, to leave a comment with their experience and to rate the company according to their experience with it.

The Alpha Capital broker is a broker of: Forex, ETFs, Cryptocurrencies and CFDs.

The broker mentions to be part of: ALPHA CAPITAL.

Alpha Capital is based in: Hong Kong, Switzerland and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

If we talk about regulation, the broker Alpha Capital does not mention absolutely anything about being regulated, Alpha Capital is an unregulated broker.

Alpha Capital website
Alpha Capital website


We will continue to analyze the different account types that Alpha Capital offers. In the case of Alpha Capital, we did not find information about having different types of account.



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The platform used to operate are: not mentioned.

Now, yes, we will go on to analyze the different resources and aids that the company provides to traders on its website: some explanations of the products that Alpha Capital offers, an explanation of basic concepts of the investment world, really not much else.


Alpha Capital Features



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Additional information about the company


Phone number: + 64 9 889 6531

E-mail: does not have

Website: alpha-ct.com

Clarification: If you think that our review is not correct, or you have a different opinion, we invite you to leave a comment in this same section - evaluation.

* Bonuses or promotions: None by the moment



Alpha Capital Valuation

Caution: unregulated broker

Caution, scam broker

With the information we have so far, the comments and reviews of users and traders, our opinion is that it looks like a company we should be careful with.

Why? It is an unregulated broker, based in very unsafe countries, and when looking for information and other reviews about Alpha Capital we found a lot of negative reviews.

Do you know this company? Do you think our opinion is not correct? Have you operated with this broker? Share a comment with your experience.


Are you part of AlphaCapital? Are you a representative or worker of the company? Write to us at >> use this form <<


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Eduardo Lopez

Editor and Copywriter

I am Eduardo López Martínez, I was born in Madrid, Spain and I am 48 years old. I am a journalist and I am part of the Brokersdeforexconfiables.com team. Do you want to know a little more about me? I invite you to read my biography.

See publications of Eduardo López

Review Rating

19 comments on «Alpha Capital - alpha-ct.com»

  1. Carmen Gallego Reply


    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Carmen Gallego, Congratulations! We appreciate your comment, luckily you didn't hesitate and decided to get your money back. Always put the name of the broker in our search engine and read the review and comments carefully, we are always prepared to help you.

      If you would like to recover the money you can do it from the CHAT from our website or from this link: Get your money back

      If you think about making new investments, first check our RANKING OF BEST BROKERS


  2. Daniel Reply

    I have been scammed by Alpha capital, and they have been reported.

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Daniel, the best thing is to report, but if you want to recover your money you should talk to our chat, they will call you and help you. This broker called Alpha Capital is a SCAM, many investors have denounced Alpha Capital for fraudulent activities, it is not advisable to invest money in a NON-REGULATED broker. It's a SCAM and does not return money to its customers.

      ALL positive comments from this broker are FALSE, they are made by their own workers to confuse investors, flood social networks with positive messages about them and it's all FALSE! and when customers ask them about our reviews they say we are from the competition, also FALSE !.

      We recommend that all those affected recover the money through companies specialized in this type of management from the CHAT that we have on the web or at the following link:Get your money back, we are on your side


  3. Jonathan Reply

    Hello, do you know something about this ideasforinvestors company, they apparently have their own platform called alpha capital, I don't know if it is the same. alphacapital.space

    Thanks for the reply

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Jonathan, never pay anything they ask of you, it is a trap, a fraud. This broker called Alpha Capital is a SCAM, many investors have denounced Alpha Capital for fraudulent activities, it is not advisable to invest money in a NON-REGULATED broker. It's a SCAM and does not return money to its customers.

      ALL positive comments from this broker are FALSE, they are made by their own workers to confuse investors, flood social networks with positive messages about them and it's all FALSE! and when customers ask them about our reviews they say we are from the competition, also FALSE !.

      We recommend that all those affected recover the money through companies specialized in this type of management from the CHAT that we have on the web or at the following link:Get your money back, we are on your side


  4. Pablo Reply

    The truth is that they are criminals disguised as people who want to help you out of a difficult financial situation. What they want is to steal every penny from you ...

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Pablo, do not send anything, do not sign anything and do not pay attention to them, they will not sue you, they are lying to you, you can get your money back, get in touch with the CHAT of our website, this broker called Alpha Capital Group is a SCAM, many investors have denounced Alpha Capital Group for fraudulent activities, it is not advisable to invest money in a NON-REGULATED broker. It is a SCAM and does not return money to its customers. ALL the positive comments of this broker are FALSE, they are made by their own workers to confuse investors.
      We recommend that all those affected try to recover the money through companies specialized in this type of management from the CHAT that we have on the web or in the following link: Get your money back, we are on your side

      Time is vital, contact them quickly, do not hesitate!


  5. Juan Reply

    So if they don't have Swiss regulation, how do they have a Swiss office? or are your Swiss offices fake?

    Thank you for the attention

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Juan, can you tell me where your offices are in Switzerland? Most of these brokers invent addresses or rent an address in a Regus-type Business Center where there is no one. This broker called Alpha Capital is a SCAM, many clients have reported Alpha Capital for fraudulent activities, it is not advisable to invest money in a broker with so many complaints.
      According to customer comments THEY DO NOT RETURN THE MONEY INVESTED, THEY KEEP IT.

      We recommend all those affected to try recover the money through companies specialized in this type of management from the CHAT what we have on the web or in the following link:


  6. Wendy koo Reply

    Regulators of this Forum:

    Ours is a long-term investment company offering investment services in various financial instruments. We do NOT operate as a platform, we do not offer fund-keeping services, we have regulations in various jurisdictions, depending on the product, the client and their specific needs, if you are interested in knowing them, we ask you to approach any representative who will be in a position to serve you.

    Likewise, we ask you to provide us with a name, email and telephone number so that our legal representatives can contact you; since the evaluative assessments published by its staff are not only false and biased, but could also lead to the incursion on your part of the crimes of Injury, Slander, Instigation, Dishonorable accusations, Plagiarism and infringement of intellectual property.
    We believe yours is a serious and impartial forum, and its mission is to keep potential investors duly informed, as well as to give space to complaining clients, so we trust that they will grant us the right to reply.
    Warm regards,

    Wendy koo
    [email protected]
    Legal Department

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Wendy, yes, we are impartial and we only report what we can see and what the people who have invested with you tell us, can you give me information about your broker? Can you send me a copy of the regulation, permits and / or licenses? We have received many complaints from clients via email and we disclose that data, whether you like it or not, we give our opinion based on the experiences of the clients who expose their experiences with the brokers to the rest of the users.
      We believe that this broker called Alpha Capital is a SCAM, many clients have reported Alpha Capital for fraudulent activities, it is not advisable to invest money in a broker with so many complaints.
      According to customer comments THEY DO NOT RETURN THE MONEY INVESTED, THEY KEEP IT.

      We recommend all those affected to try recover the money through companies specialized in this type of management from the CHAT what we have on the web or in the following link:


      • Wendy koo

        We appreciate that you have given us the opportunity to post our comment.
        We kindly ask you to provide a name, telephone and email address of the person in charge of this forum in order to show him all the accreditations and invite him physically or through a videoconference to meet us. Our information is in the public domain and can be easily found in commercial registry offices and chambers.
        Once we get to know each other, we will be grateful if you share with us the list of complainants that you say you have so that we can fully attend to each of your requests.
        If you are a serious forum, we understand that you will have no qualms about contacting us and that together we can serve those who you presume are complaining customers. We believe that the intention of this forum is to fully follow up on any complaint and not to claim that a company engages in illicit activities in order to get hold of its client portfolio by discrediting it.
        Again I send my contact information, waiting for your soon approach by email or phone.

        Wendy koo
        [email protected]
        Legal Department

      • reliableforexbroker.com

        Hello Wendy, if your information is in the public domain, SHOW IT to all our users and not the company records, that does not help us, SHOW THE LICENSES AND REGULATIONS TO OFFER BROKER SERVICES AND BE ABLE TO CAPTURE THE MONEY OF THE CUSTOMERS, TO NOT HAVE ANY, YOU CAN'T DO IT, RIGHT? And if you are a lawyer, IN WHAT COLLEGE ARE YOU REGISTERED? Can you tell us? We are impartial and we only report what we can see and what the people who have invested with you tell us, can you give me information about your broker? Can you send me a copy of the regulations, permits and / or licenses? , we have received many complaints from clients via email and we disclose that data, whether you like it or not, we give our opinion based on our knowledge and based on the experiences of clients who expose their experiences with the other users to brokers.
        We believe that this broker called Alpha Capital is a SCAM, many clients have reported Alpha Capital for fraudulent activities, it is not advisable to invest money in a broker with so many complaints.
        According to customer comments, THEY DO NOT RETURN THE MONEY INVESTED, THEY KEEP IT.

        We recommend that all those affected try to recover the money through companies specialized in this type of management from the CHAT that we have on the web or in the following link:


      • Wendy koo

        Lords of Trusted Forex Brokers
        Thank you for your prompt response, once again we approach your forum requesting a telephone number, address, name of the person responsible and email in order to send them the information they request and to talk in depth about the services we offer.
        We have searched your website for an email or telephone number for us to approach and unfortunately we have not found any means of contact in addition to this form, which is why we have politely requested your contact information on several occasions to exchange accreditations.
        Unfortunately, the lack of direct contact denies us the possibility of addressing any alleged complaint from a user of our services and the appearance of this communication deviates us from the main task of both parties, which is to serve users of financial services.
        We categorically affirm that we do not have any type of complaint in any jurisdiction, we do not know the list of complainants that they claim to have and it is in our interest to maintain contact with the person or persons responsible for your forum in order to access the alleged list and thus address any complaint in the provision of our services.
        We await the approach of the person (s) responsible for this forum so that both parties can demonstrate seriousness and commitment to the investing public in general and in the same way have the opportunity to resolve any complaint or dispute that any user of our services may reach. to present and that you have knowledge, thanking in advance the opportunity to grow in any area of ​​opportunity that we may not have sufficiently attended.
        Warm regards,

        Wendy koo
        [email protected]
        Legal Department

      • reliableforexbroker.com

        Hello Wendy, WHERE IS YOUR BROKER'S LICENSE OR REGULATION? I STILL DO NOT KNOW THE ANSWER, YOUR BROKER DOES NOT SHOW ANY INFORMATION THAT SECURITY TO INVESTORS, YOU CAN PUBLISH ALL THE INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR COMPANY IN OUR FORUM, AND DO NOT DO IT MANY REGULATED BROKERS RESPOND DIRECTLY TO THEIR CUSTOMERS THROUGH THIS FORUM, YOU CAN DO THE SAME AND YOU WILL NOT DO IT, if your information is in the public domain SHOW IT to all our users and not the company records, that does not work for us, SHOW THE LICENSES AND REGULATIONS TO OFFER BROKER SERVICES AND BE ABLE TO RAISE MONEY FROM CUSTOMERS, BY NOT HAVING ANY, YOU CAN'T DO IT, RIGHT? And if you are a lawyer, IN WHICH COLLEGE ARE YOU REGISTERED? Can you tell us? We are impartial and we only report what we can see and what the people who have invested with you tell us, can you give me information about your broker? Can you send me a copy of the regulations, permits and / or licenses? , we have received many complaints from clients via email and we disclose this data, whether you like it or not, we give our opinion based on our knowledge and based on the experiences of the clients who share their experiences with the other users. brokers.
        We believe that this broker called Alpha Capital is a SCAM, many clients have reported Alpha Capital for fraudulent activities, it is not advisable to invest money in a broker with so many complaints.
        According to customer comments, THEY DO NOT RETURN THE MONEY INVESTED, THEY KEEP IT.

        We recommend that all those affected try to recover the money through companies specialized in this type of management from the CHAT that we have on the web or in the following link:


  7. AlphaCapital Reply

    Mr. THOM
    We are writing to you on behalf of Alpha Capital.
    Tell you that we have looked for your account in our records and it does NOT appear.
    Please contact us so we can follow up. Our telephone number is +41435089112 or give us your name as it appears in your account so that our executives can contact you and thus attend to your complaint as soon as possible.
    Best regards

  8. Thom Reply

    It is the worst broker with which I have operated, I have never seen a single penny since I started, until finally it explodes and I began to ask them to explain what happened, since that day they do not receive my calls and I no longer know what to do

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hi Thom, this broker named Alpha Capital is a SCAM, many clients have reported Alpha Capital for fraudulent activities, it is not advisable to invest money in a broker with so many complaints.
      According to customer comments THEY DO NOT RETURN THE MONEY INVESTED, THEY KEEP IT.

      We recommend all those affected to try recover the money through companies specialized in this type of management from the CHAT what we have on the web or in the following link:


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