✔️ Information reviewed and updated in May 2024 by Eduardo López

AroxCapital opinion

Opinions and information about the broker AroxCapital

¿Is the broker AroxCapital (aka aroxcapital.com) really trustworthy? Is it safe for you to invest your money with this company? In this section we will analyze the company and its reputation as such on the internet.

Do you want to give us a hand and help inform about this company? We invite anyone who has experience with this company, to leave a comment with their experience and to rate the company according to their experience with it. ▶ Let's start:

✔️ The AroxCapital broker, is a broker of: Forex, Cryptocurrencies and CFDs.

✔️ The broker mentions be part of: AroxCapital Ltd.

✔️ AroxCapital is based on: they claim to be located in the United Kingdom, but in reality it is not registered there, this information is false.

✔️ If we talk about regulation, the broker AroxCapital does not mention absolutely anything about being regulated, AroxCapital is an unregulated broker.

AroxCapital website
AroxCapital website

🔹 We will continue to find out if AroxCapital offers the public different types of accounts or plans and what characteristics each one has. In this case we did not find information on the existence of different types of account.

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🔸 The platform used to operate is: platform AroxCapital Webtrader.

🔸 Now, yes, we will analyze the different resources and aids that the company provides to traders on its website: we see some explanations of the products that AroxCapital offers, some live charts, not really much else.

✳️ AroxCapital Features ✳️

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(I.e. Additional information about the company (I.e.

🔸 Phone number: +442080894570 | +442080895941

🔸 E-mail: [email protected]

🔸 Website: aroxcapital.com

🔸Clarification: If you think that our review is not correct, or you have a different opinion, we invite you to leave a comment in this same section - evaluation.

* Bonuses or promotions: None by the moment

🚨 ⭐ Valuation of AroxCapital ⭐ 🚨

Caution: unregulated broker

With the information we have so far, the comments, evaluations and criticisms of users and traders, ⚠️ our opinion is that it seems like a broker with which we have to be careful ⚠️.

Why? Has all the characteristics of a fraudulent broker, hides information, does not have a registry and is not regulated by any authority, we do not know where it is truly located, in addition, when looking for information and other evaluations about AroxCapital we found one lots of negative reviews.

❗ May 2021 update: AMF, the French financial regulator, has reported to AroxCapital for fraudulent activities.

❗ September 2021 update: CNMV, Spanish financial regulator, has reported AroxCapital due to fraudulent activities.

🚫 Link to the warning 🚫 on the official website of the CNMV.

❗ May 2022 update: BCSC, British Columbia financial regulator, has reported AroxCapital due to fraudulent activities.

🚫 Link to the warning 🚫 on the official BCSC website.

Do you know this company? Do you think our opinion is not correct? Have you operated with this broker? Share a comment with your experience.

Are you part of AroxCapital? Are you a representative or worker of the company? Write to us at >> use this form <<

👇 User and trader score 👇

Eduardo Lopez

Editor and Copywriter

I am Eduardo López Martínez, I was born in Madrid, Spain and I am 48 years old. I am a journalist and I am part of the Brokersdeforexconfiables.com team. Do you want to know a little more about me? I invite you to read my biography.

See publications of Eduardo López

Review Rating

16 comments on «AroxCapital - aroxcapital.com»

  1. Pacheco Reply

    I was about to invest until I saw the regulator's warning, I better not do it

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Pacheco, AroxCapital is a SCAM, we have received many complaints from investors, for not return the moneyshould never be invested in a broker that does not have REGULATION.

      They create a lot of positive comments about themselves that are LIES!, they want to confuse investors and pass themselves off as a legal company but it's all a lie! If you tell them about our articles, they say that we are part of the competition and that is also a lie! (We are dedicated to reviewing brokers).

      When you want to withdraw your capital or your benefits, if they make excuses and tell you to pay commissions or another type of ransom, you will know that they are scamming you, do not fall into that trap, those commissions are not realThey try to take more money from you.

      If you would like to recover the money you can do it from the CHAT from our website or from this link: Get your money back, we are with you


  2. Julius Reply

    [email protected] House, Arcadia Avenue, London, United
    Kingdom, N3 2JU
    Protected Capital Agreement
    Account owner: 136459 Xulio Bermudez
    HMRC would expect that buying and selling of crypto assets by an individual will amount normally to investment activity
    (rather than a trade of dealing in crypto assets). In such cases, if an individual invests in crypto assets they will typically have to
    pay Capital Gains Tax on any gains they realize.
    Cryptoassets are digital and therefore intangible, but count as a 'chargeable asset' for Capital Gains Tax if they're both:
    ❖ capable of being owned
    ❖ have a value that can be realized
    Dear Customer,
    AroxCapital is offering you the opportunity to protect your capital insurance Pack:
    …… 500… ..EUR Insurance period: Start until.
    AroxCapital Investment House will secure the account capital in the amount of
    …… 500 ……… .. EUR
    Once the insurance package rewards been settled, the insurance will be applied to the
    account within 72 hours.

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Xulio, this broker called AroxCapital is a SCAM, many investors They have denounced AroxCapital for fraudulent activities, It is not advisable to invest money in a NON-REGULATED broker. It is a SCAM and does not return money to its customers.

      ALL positive comments from this broker are FALSE, they are made by their own workers to confuse investors, they flood social networks with positive messages about them and it is all FALSE! And when customers ask them about our reviews they say we are from the competition, also FALSE!

      If they force you to pay some type of tax, legalization or something similar Do not ever do that, that tells you that they are a fraud since those taxes do not exist, they ask for it to be able to steal more money.

      We recommend to all those affected recover the money from the CHAT what we have on the web or in the following link: Get your money back, we are on your side


  3. Julius Reply

    I also believe, from my own experience, that they are UNSCREASED SCAMMERS.
    To humble people and with some savings they try, after the initial outlay (€ 250), to convince me to make a pyramid-type contract, you double the profits but always in the next step you have to reinvest, to have 45 in 60-100.000 days, after you put 45.000 in those steps… .fishing
    As I said no, this guy claimed to be Roberto Caballero, (a total trickster), try another guy (Sergio Sánchez) because to go slower but with the same pattern of entering them.
    I tried to close and recover but always milongas….
    3 months went by and yesterday an aunt who said she was Ana Thompson tried to mess with me that to get back what I have now € 17.000 I had to pay taxes there in London, in advance of course and in cryptocurrency Walker ... and as I asked her for an invoice or description of the concepts that they charged ... well, no mail but communicated by Telegram with this number:
    As soon as he saw that I tell him that I know what he wants…. He disappeared…
    Go birds

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Xulio, this broker called AroxCapital is a SCAM, many investors They have denounced AroxCapital for fraudulent activities, It is not advisable to invest money in a NON-REGULATED broker. It is a SCAM and does not return money to its customers.

      ALL positive comments from this broker are FALSE, they are made by their own workers to confuse investors, they flood social networks with positive messages about them and it is all FALSE! And when customers ask them about our reviews they say we are from the competition, also FALSE!

      If they force you to pay some type of tax, legalization or something similar Do not ever do that, that tells you that they are a fraud since those taxes do not exist, they ask for it to be able to steal more money.

      We recommend to all those affected recover the money from the CHAT what we have on the web or in the following link: Get your money back, we are on your side


  4. bgdm Reply

    Without a doubt this "company" are scammers with a repetitive pattern, if you are thinking of "working" with them, DO NOT do it, they will steal everything they can from you.
    At the beginning everything is perfect, you enter with 200 euros and in a short time you will see that in your profile on their page you start to earn and earn and your money is doubled or tripled every day, of course on their "page" since it is virtual money that It really does not exist nor is it yours since you will never be able to get it out so you try it multiple times, you will never be able to get a response to that requirement (they will give you a thousand excuses) ... If you still decide to continue they will ask you for money based on the fact that your money has been multiplied by 10 in one or two weeks (remember it is not your money, it is on their fake / false page), if you take this step forget about them, they will disappear ... if you do not give it they will call you a thousand times a day and find a way to You transfer preferably by bitcoin or by transfers to suspicious accounts that are not related to the name of the company, they will try to convince you by returning a small amount of your money via electronic Wallet (Bitcoin) but until there ... they will offer you to put double money in you It counts if you deposit, if you put 30.000 they "give you" 30.000 and they will tell you that you can take it out in a week since they will double that amount ... but you know if you take that step more you will never know about them by any means, they will disappear ....
    They always use different telephone numbers to contact you who do not receive calls, never personal numbers or WhatsApp, they will also pressure you by email.
    Among the best known scammers for the Spanish-speaking public are:
    Nico Bryant

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello bgdm, this broker called AroxCapital is a SCAM, many investors They have denounced AroxCapital for fraudulent activities, It is not advisable to invest money in a NON-REGULATED broker. It is a SCAM and does not return money to its customers.

      ALL positive comments from this broker are FALSE, they are made by their own workers to confuse investors, they flood social networks with positive messages about them and it is all FALSE! And when customers ask them about our reviews they say we are from the competition, also FALSE!

      If they force you to pay some type of tax, legalization or something similar Do not ever do that, that tells you that they are a fraud since those taxes do not exist, they ask for it to be able to steal more money.

      We recommend that all those affected recover the money through companies specialized in this type of management from the CHAT that we have on the web or at the following link: Get your money back, we are on your side


  5. Diego Reply


    I would like to know how I could get my money back, and especially who can inform me about this company. I'm not sure if I was right to invest with them.

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hi Diego, you should know that your money is probably in the payment processor and you can rescue it. This broker called AroxCapital is a SCAM, many clients have reported AroxCapital for fraudulent activities, it is not advisable to invest money in a NON-REGULATED broker (or with very low quality regulation) and that does not return the money its customers.
      We recommend all those affected to try recover the money through companies specialized in this type of management from chat that we have on the web or at the following link:



  6. Charles B. Reply

    Good morning, I do not recommend them to me, they contacted me after a 30k day challenge advertisement that tells you that in 30 days you will earn thousands and I do not know what lies more

    They are that type of company ...

    I do not recommend them at all

    If they use these advertisements and advertisements to attract new customers, how good (serious) company can they be? Surely a safe one, I already think NO.

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hi Carlos, you should know that your money is probably in the payment processor and you can rescue it. This broker called AroxCapital is a SCAM, many customers have reported ByDzyne for fraudulent activities, it is not advisable to invest money in a NON-REGULATED broker (or with very low quality regulation) and that does not return the money its customers.
      We recommend all those affected to try recover the money through companies specialized in this type of management from chat that we have on the web or at the following link:



    • Lavinia Reply

      Carlos have you got your money back or you lost it.

  7. Tomas Reply

    It does not work, they have robbed me, they do not want to return the money, they leave it ... I really don't know what to do

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Tomas, do not send more money, it is stolen, but you should know that your money is probably in the payment processor and you can rescue it. This broker called AroxCapital is a SCAM, many clients have reported AroxCapital for fraudulent activities, it is not advisable to invest money in a NON-REGULATED broker (or with very low quality regulation) and that does not return the money its customers.
      We recommend all those affected to try recover the money through companies specialized in this type of management from chat that we have on the web or at the following link:



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