✔️ Information reviewed and updated in May 2024 by Eduardo López

ETRADER247 opinion

Opinions and information about the broker ETRADER247


¿It is the broker ETRADER247 (aka etrader247.com) really trustworthy? Is it safe for you to invest your money with this company? In this section we will analyze the company and its reputation as such on the internet.

Do you want to give us a hand and help inform about this company? We invite anyone with experience with this company, to leave a comment with their experience and to give the company a score according to their experience with it. ETRADER247 does not have a Spanish version of its website, but we have received messages from clients of this Spanish-speaking company, so we have also decided to review ETRADER247.

The ETRADER247 broker is a broker of: Forex, CFDs and Cryptocurrencies.

The broker mentions to be part of: don't mention it

ETRADER247 is based on: does not mention it.

If we talk about regulation, ETRADER247 is: it is an unregulated broker.

ETRADER247 website
ETRADER247 website


We will continue to analyze the different account types that ETRADER247 offers. In the case of ETRADER247 we note that ETRADER247 does not provide information on having different types of account.


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Is your broker giving you problems?

Leave a comment on our website explaining your difficulties and we will try to help you.


The platforms used to operate are: we believe that ETRADER247's own platform.

Now, yes, we will go on to analyze the different resources and help that the company provides to traders on its website: explanation of basic concepts of the world of investments, basic explanation about the products that ETRADER247 offers, frequently asked questions section, not really much more.


ETRADER247 Features



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Additional information about the company


Phone number: + 44-2038079282, + 507-8337970 and +34911236169

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: etrader247.com

Clarification: The investment company ETRADER247 works in different countries, so the information provided may not apply to your country, this review is directed to Latin America and / or Spain.

* Bonuses or promotions: None by the moment

ETRADER247 Rating

Caution, scam broker

Caution: unregulated broker

With the information we have so far, the comments and reviews of users and traders, our opinion is that it looks like a company we should be careful with. Why? It is an unregulated broker, it does not mention which company it belongs to, it does not mention where it is based, when looking for other reviews about ETRADER247 we could not find any, which indicates that it is a "new" company.

January 2020 update: CNMV, the Spanish financial regulator, has included ETRADER247 on its blacklist

Do you know this company? Do you think our opinion is not correct? Have you operated with this broker? Share a comment with your experience.


Are you part of ETRADER247? Are you a representative or worker of the company? Write to us here >> use this form << 


↓ ↓ ↓ Traders and users score

Eduardo Lopez

Editor and Copywriter

I am Eduardo López Martínez, I was born in Madrid, Spain and I am 48 years old. I am a journalist and I am part of the Brokersdeforexconfiables.com team. Do you want to know a little more about me? I invite you to read my biography.

See publications of Eduardo López

Review Rating

24 comments on «ETRADER247 - etrader247.com»

  1. Marcelo Reply

    Hi how are things. I would like to ask you about a Booker called Fxcoinoption24
    Do you know it?

    Thank you


    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hi Marcelo, It makes no sense to pay that money to activate a card, it seems to me that you are being scammed. We are working on several reviews these days and we will look to make one as soon as possible on these brokers.


      • Marcelo

        Hello, what can you tell me about a libtradfx broker?

        Thank you

      • reliableforexbroker.com

        Hello Marcelo, we are working these days on several reviews and we will look to make one as soon as possible about this broker. Do you have the web?


  2. you smell the scam Reply

    They are insistent they called me every day. I don't know how they can be so abusive with the deal. It shows them that the only thing they are looking for is to scam people.

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello It Smells The Scam, we thank you for sharing with us your experience with the ETRADER274 broker. What you say sounds very, very bad, and above all, it speaks very badly of ETRADER274.

      Do you have any other information about the broker (such as names of advisers, phone numbers, emails)?

      All the best

  3. etrader247 are pirates Reply

    They are truly one of the worst experiences I have ever had in my life. BURGLARS. is what they are. BURGLARS.

    when you want to withdraw they disappear completely. SONS OF A BITCH.

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Etrader246 are Pirates, we thank you for sharing with us your experience with the Etrader247 broker. What you say sounds very, very bad, and above all, it speaks very badly of Etrader247.

      Do you have any other information about the broker (such as names of advisers, phone numbers, emails)?

      All the best

  4. Diego Reply

    Well, I have also fallen with them for the damn false advertisement of Antena 3 anthill, a famous TV program in Spain. I curse the day I contacted them. Is someone reporting them? I am interested in doing something against these criminals

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Diego, we thank you for sharing with us your experience with the Etrader247 broker, in principle, how did you decide to invest with them?

      Do you have any other information about the broker (such as emails, names of advisers, phone numbers)? Relevant data or information about your experience with them. Do you have the link to this ad or could you give more details about the ad?

      As for doing something, perhaps it is best to contact an attorney who specializes in these issues. You should also contact the regulator of your country, where are you from?

      All the best

    • Raul Reply

      Hi Diego! Report it to the CNMV at least so that they have notification of one more scam through ETRADER247.
      Customer Service by calling 902180772 XNUMX XNUMX or at the email address [email protected]

      I do not know how much has been the amount that you have paid them and if you have claimed it, but claim everything so that they return it to you for scam.

  5. scammed by etrader247 Reply

    If I have also invested with them because they use false advertisements with public figures from here in Spain, which should be illegal since it is false and it is a hoax, it is a shame, at least I have not invested a large sum but I want my 200 euros back I don't want to contribute anything to this bunch of scammers. If someone knows how it can be withdrawn or if someone is taking legal measures, count on me too

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Scammed, we thank you for sharing with us your experience with the ETRADER247 broker, in principle, how did you decide to invest with them?

      Do you have any other information about the broker (such as emails, names of advisers, phone numbers)? Relevant data or information about your experience with them.

      All the best

  6. cola cola Reply

    It does not even mention where the company is located is more, it does not even mention any company

    Those who even think about investing with these ghost companies, think about it, then complain of losing money but give money to the first person who calls them on the phone to offer them an “automatic robot”. For God's sake, there are stupid people

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Cola Cola, we thank you for sharing with us your experience with the ETRADER247 broker, in principle, how did you decide to invest with them? Maybe they called you or did you leave your information in an advertisement?

      Do you have any other information about the broker? Relevant data or information about your experience with them.

      All the best

  7. Raul Reply

    In August I signed up for a website, which I skip on my mobile through the ads that appear on my mobile. This advertisement (famous in antenna anthill 3) I had seen several times before.

    The registration was to obtain information about a platform that when entering money, it was multiplying it little by little automatically, through a robot.
    At this moment I begin to receive numerous emails and calls to my mobile, on different trading platforms. The e-mails arrived in my spam box and the calls were not accepted, until I decided to take one that called me very consecutively.
    In August when I received the call, the manager of the Etrader247 platform began to ask me about my economic life and my knowledge in investment. I proposed that through the platform with a minimum income, this could be multiplied by 5 in a short time. He asked about the income and I told him that at the moment I could only enter € 100, because I did not know the platform and I do not know how to trade, but since I thought it was automatic, I did not find any problem.
    They suggest that it is better to start with € 250, because with € 100 it is very difficult to get money quickly. But I reminded him again that I did not know how to use the broker, then he told me that there was no problem because they would send me ebooks, video tutorials and they would give me advice to learn and that it was very easy. In addition, if I made the deposit now they would double the amount by reaching € 500 on the platform.
    I accepted and he was telling me what I have to do to register in the broker, before entering the € 250 and at that moment they also asked me; Scanned ID, electricity bill, and credit card with the last 4 digits. Once the money is deposited in the broker, he tells me what to do to see how it works and we have lost money and he tells me that for it to work well, more money must be entered. But I told him that he had no more.
    At this moment he says goodbye and tells me to do well, that it is very easy and that I will not have problems. At that moment I thought I was losing my € 250, because I don't know how to use this platform and I saw that it was very easy to lose it with what he told me to do. At that moment I asked him what if he was not going to call me anymore, as he had understood that they were going to help me, but he said no, that with that amount of money he did not have advice. But if I made an income of € 750 (total € 1000) they gave me one counseling day a week and they doubled the amount. He also told me that if I wanted I could get my money whenever I wanted without any problem.
    At that moment I saw that if I did not enter the € 750, I would run out of the € 250, so I decided to enter the € 750 and reached € 2000 with the bonus of multiplying by 2.
    From this moment they call me 1 time a week as we have talked about and all the time they ask me for money to be able to use the broker and have secure profits. In subsequent calls they already ask me for € 3000 to be able to continue fruitfully with the platform, since the actions they asked me to do were losses and gains with high amounts of money.
    In the second week I requested the ebooks, video tutorials and the demo account to be able to practice, but I was answered by phone that they DO NOT have these materials, although it is advertised on the web and by phone my advisor offered it to me.
    In this period of calls, different people have called me, always asking me for high amounts to be able to work well with the broker and that they are raffling some trips outside of Spain among investors. I have always given negative, but in all the calls they continue to do so.
    There is a clause in one of their contracts that are in English (which they had not commented to me) that says that to get the money you have to multiply the money you have entered by 30.
    In the terms and conditions of the website, they say that the platform cannot be used by non-professionals and I have no idea how to trade. But the advisor who contacted me, offered it to me as an easy to use product and an easy money generator.
    It is from the first week, when I start looking for free online trading courses and look for information, since I depend on the advisor to make the arrangements due to my ignorance. In this search I find that legal brokers in Spain have to be registered with the CNMV (https://www.cnmv.es/portal/home.aspx) and I called and wrote an email, but they told me that Etrader247 does not appear in their database.
    A month after entering the page and having made the deposit of € 1000, I have not received the products offered including the demo account to be able to practice and learn to use the platform (which nobody teaches you). Moreover, the advisor has told me by phone that they do not have these products that they offered me on the first day, although they are advertised on the web.

    At first, I thought it was an automatic trading robot, as I had seen in the ad on my mobile, but due to my ignorance at the time, I fell into the trap and put in money that I really needed. I have seen how it has been lost since they make very high transactions of up to € 1000, which is what I had entered into the platform's account and in 30 seconds I have lost everything.
    They are the ones who told me what to do at all times, but I still lost all the money.

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Raúl, we thank you for sharing with us your experience with the ETRADER247 broker.

      Do you have any other information about the broker? Relevant data or information about your experience with them. Well, if you are Spanish, it is as they have told you, the broker must be regulated or registered with the CNMV, in this case, ETRADER247 is an unregulated broker that does not even mention where it is based. If you have more information about them, we ask you to share them.

      All the best

    • Hugo Reply

      Raul I would like to contact you since something similar happened to me with a sum of money greater than yours and I want to take this to the end because I want my money back.

      • reliableforexbroker.com

        Hello Hugo, we thank you for sharing with us your experience with the ETRADER247 broker, in principle, how did you decide to invest with them? Maybe they called you or did you leave your information in an advertisement?

        Do you have any other information about the broker? Relevant data or information about your experience with them.

        All the best

      • Raul

        Hello Hugo! Have you got your money back?
        I do not know how I can contact you privately and talk to you about this issue, in case I can help you with something.


    • Raul Reply

      I am Raúl again. After a period of time, I inform you that they have been calling me in a very abusive way for a very short period of time, for not picking up the phone to make operations and from a lot of numbers and from different countries. I leave you a list of the different phone numbers from which I have received calls. Looking for some on the Internet, they appeared to me as being from law firms due to the issue of defaults and some from other UK companies.

      List of numbers:
      93 242 03 43,
      910 47 37 04,
      91 003 96 35,
      31 003 96 42,
      +44 20 8087 5463 (LONDON),
      +44 1625 667867 (LONDON),
      911 33 96 61 (ES Control),
      911 11 04 82,
      910 03 96 45,
      910 03 96 33,
      910 08 29 55,
      +1 514 400 52 03
      00 44 20 39917753,
      +34 917 10 40 89
      + 44 7719 828237.
      + 44 20 3966 2807,
      +44 1977 253000 (KL King Accountants Ltd),
      +1 507 833 7970 (USA),
      +44 7478 312933 (UK),
      +44 7856 771143 (UK),
      +44 7854 535249 (UK),
      +44 1253 796696 (ASC MOBILITY),
      +49 221 738352 (COLOGNE) ,.
      +49 173 8758469 (GERMANY),
      +49 176 05843166 (GERMANY),
      +44 7712869598 (UK),
      + 44 20 35140346.
      +44 1253 796696 (ASC MOBILITY),
      + 44 20 3807 9282,
      +49 163 7954221 (GERMANY),
      +49 9931 72828 (PLATTLING),
      +49 172 2001949 (GERMANY),
      +49 7136 2707065 (BAD FRIEDRICHSHALL),
      +507 833 7970 (PANAMA),
      +44 7882 708038 (UK),
      +223 65 01 21 05
      +223 65 09 25 11
      +34 914828730,
      +34 91 123 61 69 (ETRADER SPAIN),
      + 44 7770 267105.
      +44 20 3514 0346 (UK),

      Anything else that can help you ask me.

      • reliableforexbroker.com

        Hello again Raúl, thank you very much for all this information, another thing that would help us would be emails and names of advisers. If you tell us which country you are from, although it does not guarantee that you will recover your capital, you should contact the financial regulator of your country.


      • Raul

        This is one of the emails, with which I communicated through the web: [email protected]
        The rest through the chat they had on the web and the consultants' calls. The advisors were several that I had, because he was not always the same.
        I am from Spain.

      • reliableforexbroker.com

        Hello again Raúl, thank you for all this information. Being from Spain, we recommend contact the CNMV.

        All the best

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