✔️ Information reviewed and updated in May 2024 by Eduardo López


PaisTrade opinion

Opinions and information about the broker PaisTrade


¿It is the really reliable PaisTrade broker (aka paistrade.com)? Is it safe for you to invest your money with this company? In this section we will analyze the company and its reputation as such on the internet.

Do you want to give us a hand and help inform about this company? We invite anyone who has experience with this company, to leave a comment with their experience and to rate the company according to their experience with it.

The PaisTrade broker is a broker of: Forex, Cryptocurrencies and CFDs.

The broker mentions to be part of: PaisTrade Marketing LTD.

PaisTrade is based on: Cyprus. The location of PaisTrade is unknown.

If we talk about regulation, the broker PaisTrade is regulated in Cyprus by CySEC. PaisTrade is an unregulated broker, its regulation in Cyprus is false, CAUTION.

PaisTrade website
PaisTrade website


We will continue to analyze the different account types that PaisTrade offers. In the case of PaisTrade, we note that it has 6 different plans or types of account: the Educational Account, the Standard Account, the Premium Account, the Gold Account, the VIP Account and the Tailored Account.

Educational Account: € 250 minimum initial deposit, leverage up to 1:20, fixed spreads, tutorial videos (partial access), base currencies.

Standard Account: Minimum initial deposit of € 2.500, leverage up to 1:50, fixed spread, tutorial videos (partial access), minimum base currencies + gold, silver, oil + cryptocurrencies, customer service, legal defense coverage.

Premium account: € 20.000 minimum initial deposit, leverage up to 1: 100, fixed spreads, video tutorials (full access), base currencies + gold, silver, oil + minimum cryptocurrencies, customer service, legal defense coverage, full access to tools cryptographic, full access to business assets.

Gold Account: € 50.000 minimum initial deposit, leverage up to 1: 200, fixed and floating spreads, tutorial videos (full access), base currencies + gold, silver, oil + cryptocurrencies, customer service, personal account manager, news and alerts , legal defense coverage, full access to crypto tools, full access to trading assets, stop loss, referral redemption programs.

VIP account: € 100.000 minimum initial deposit, leverage up to 1: 200, fixed and floating spreads, tutorial videos (full access), base currencies + gold, silver, oil + cryptocurrencies, customer services, personal account manager, news and alerts , legal defense coverage, full access to cryptographic tools, full access to trading assets, stop loss / take profit, referral refund programs, VIP Pamm.

Tailored account: minimum initial deposit (check with the broker), leverage up to 1: 200, fixed and floating spreads, tutorial videos (full access), base currencies + gold, silver, oil + cryptocurrencies, customer services, personal account manager, news and alerts, legal defense coverage, full access to cryptographic tools, full access to trading assets, stop loss / take profit, referral rebate programs, participation in company events, telephone negotiations, VIP Pamm.



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The platforms used to trade are: a PaisTrade own platform.

Now, yes, we will go on to analyze the different resources and aids that the company provides to traders on its website: some explanations of the products that PaisTrade offers, an explanation of basic concepts of the investment world, some live charts, economic calendar , financial event news, pip calculator, really not much else.


PaisTrade Features



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Additional information about the company


Phone number: +34 (911)128 817

E-mail: [email protected] - [email protected]

Website: paistrade.com

Clarification: The investment company PaisTrade works in different countries, so the information provided may not apply to your country, this review is directed to Latin America and / or Spain.

* Bonuses or promotions: None by the moment



PaisTrade Valuation

Caution: unregulated broker

With the information we have so far, the comments and reviews of users and traders, our opinion is that it looks like a company we should be careful with.

Why? It is a broker regulated by a body that is considered not serious and unsafe for investors, is a NON-REGULATED broker, is based in a country with a very bad reputation (Cyprus), when looking for information and other reviews about PaisTrade we found a lot of negative reviews.

October 2020 update: CNMV, Spanish financial regulator, has reported PaisTrade for fraudulent activities.

October - November 2020 update: we have noticed (thanks to David's comment) that PaisTrade has no regulation, PaisTrade falsely mentions being a regulated company in Cyprus. 

November 2020 Update: PaisTrade offers capital recovery services, we think this is very suspicious, seems unsafe and not serious. We suggest being very careful with PaisTrade. 

Do you know this company? Do you think our opinion is not correct? Have you operated with this broker? Share a comment with your experience.


Are you part of PaisTrade? Are you a representative or worker of the company? Write to us at >> use this form <<


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Eduardo Lopez

Editor and Copywriter

I am Eduardo López Martínez, I was born in Madrid, Spain and I am 48 years old. I am a journalist and I am part of the Brokersdeforexconfiables.com team. Do you want to know a little more about me? I invite you to read my biography.

See publications of Eduardo López

Review Rating

4 comments on «PaisTrade - paistrade.com»

  1. oscar Reply

    Unfortunately they scammed me and I do not wish that to anyone, hopefully they will apply the law to people like that who know nothing more than to steal, what a shame for them. This type of situation makes people not invest in anything. at least I no longer.

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hi Oscar, this broker called PaisTrade is a SCAM, many investors have denounced PaisTrade for fraudulent activities, it is not advisable to invest money in a NON-REGULATED broker. Their commissions are excessive, also many clients have confirmed it to us.
      We have detected that the license they claim to have in Cyprus is FALSE, if they lie about that we cannot expect any reliability from such a Broker, he will steal our money.
      Apart They offer a fake team of lawyers to recover money, is the classic SCAM, they are FARSANTS, VERY CAREFUL WITH THIS BROKER, THEY ARE THIEFS.

      We recommend to all those affected try to get the money back through companies specialized in this type of management from the CHAT what we have on the web or in the following link:

      A greeting.

  2. George Reply

    I have experience with this company. And I can't say anything good or bad. I didn't like what they say about the 7% commission, but when you want to come to a conclusion, there is a commission of almost 20%. Overall, I was satisfied with the work, but the sediment remained.

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hi Jorge, this broker called PaisTrade is a SCAM, many investors have denounced PaisTrade for fraudulent activities, it is not advisable to invest money in a NON-REGULATED broker. Their commissions are excessive, also many clients have confirmed it to us.
      We have detected that the license they claim to have in Cyprus is FALSE, if they lie about that we cannot expect any reliability from such a Broker, he will steal our money.
      Apart They offer a fake team of lawyers to recover money, is the classic SCAM, they are FARSANTS, VERY CAREFUL WITH THIS BROKER, THEY ARE THIEFS.

      We recommend to all those affected try to get the money back through companies specialized in this type of management from the CHAT what we have on the web or in the following link:

      A greeting.

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