✔️ Information reviewed and updated in May 2024 by Eduardo López

PT Banc opinion

Opinions and information about the broker PT Banc

¿It is the really reliable PT Banc broker? Is it safe for you to invest your money with this company? In this section we will analyze the company and its reputation as such on the internet.

Do you want to give us a hand and help inform about this company? We invite anyone who has experience with this company, to leave a comment with their experience and to rate the company according to their experience with it.

The broker PT Banc, is a broker of: Forex and CFDs.

The broker mentions to be part of: they do not mention it, they do mention MIFID, but this is not a regulation as such.

PT Banc is based in: Luxembourg.

If we talk about regulation, PT Banc is: an unregulated broker.

PT Banc website
PT Banc website

We will continue to analyze the different account types that PT Banc offers. In the case of PT Banc we note that it offers: 5 different types of account, the Classic Account, the Silver Account, the Gold Account, the Platinum Account and the VIP Account.

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La Classic account- Minimum initial deposit of $ 1.000, support 24 hours 5 days a week, bonus of up to 30%, basic training, 3 daily signals and assistance with the trading algorithm.

La Silver Account- Minimum initial deposit of $ 2.500, 24/5 support, up to 50% bonus, advanced training, 6 daily signals and assistance with the trading algorithm.

La Gold Account- Minimum initial deposit of $ 5.000, 24/5 support, up to 75% bonus, access to 12 corporate trading opportunity per month, XNUMX daily signals, and assistance with the trading algorithm.

The fourth type of account is the Platinum Account- Minimum initial deposit of $ 20.000, 24/5 support, up to 100% bonus, access to all corporate trading opportunities, 20 daily signals, regular support from an advisor, and assistance with the trading algorithm.

The last type of account is the VIP account: minimum initial deposit of $ 25.000, support 24 hours 5 days a week, bonus of up to 100%, access to all corporate trading opportunities, automatic withdrawals on a scheduled date, 30 daily signals, flexible leverage, regular support of an advisor and assistance with the trading algorithm.

The platforms used to operate are: we believe (since it does not specify) that PT Banc's own platform.

Now, yes, we will go on to analyze the different resources and aids that the company provides to traders on its website: economic calendar, educational videos, glossary, market news, ebooks on initial concepts in the investment world, not really much more than this.

PT Banc Features

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Additional information about the company

Phone number: +34911433474

E-mail: [email protected] y [email protected]

Website: www.ptbanc.com/en/

Clarification: The investment company PT Banc works in different countries, so the information provided may not apply to your country, this review is directed to Latin America and / or Spain.

* Bonuses or promotions: None by the moment

PT Banc valuation

Caution, scam broker Caution: unregulated broker

With the information we have so far, the comments and reviews of users and traders, our opinion is that we suggest caution. Why? It is an unregulated broker and apparently new (since we have found few reviews on this company).  

Update September 2019: CONSOB (Italy's financial regulator) has warned about PTBanc. Caution is followed.

Do you know this company? Do you think our opinion is not correct? Have you operated with him? Leave a comment with your experience.

Are you part of PT Bank? Are you a representative or worker of the company? Write to us here >> use this form << 

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Eduardo Lopez

Editor and Copywriter

I am Eduardo López Martínez, I was born in Madrid, Spain and I am 48 years old. I am a journalist and I am part of the Brokersdeforexconfiables.com team. Do you want to know a little more about me? I invite you to read my biography.

See publications of Eduardo López

Review Rating

78 comments on «PT Bank»

  1. Edmundo Reply

    A couple of years ago, this same platform and / or bank, I stole about 1500usd, it really is not much compared to what I am reading, but if they convince you, to make a strong investment so that the profits are more ,, One thinking that it is for the investor and no, but they are more profits for them, but I could no longer claim ... do not trust this platform they are thieves. unfortunately, we give them permission to do so ...
    I would like someone to teach me how to invest. because if you win. but I really don't know much

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Edmund, this broker called Nessfx is a SCAM, many investors have denounced Nessfx for fraudulent activities, it is not advisable to invest money in a NON-REGULATED broker. It's a SCAM and does not return money to its customers.
      ALL positive comments from this broker are FALSE, they are made by their own workers to confuse investors, flood social networks with positive messages about them and it's all FALSE! and when customers ask them about our reviews they say we are from the competition, also FALSE !.
      We recommend that all those affected try to recover the money through companies specialized in this type of management from the CHAT that we have on the web or in the following link:Get your money back, we are on your side


  2. Armando Reply

    Thanks friends for the information, thanks to you I have recovered a large part of what these insects had taken from me. Thanks again and my advice to all scammers is to try mychargeback, they will see that the money will return to their hands.

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Armando, what a fantastic news! We thank you for telling us, we know that sometimes people have doubts but we know that many times it is achieved. Our recommendation is that if you intend to invest again, first check the name of the broker on our website or you can also ask us and we will be happy to help you.

      We recommend all those affected to try to recover the money through companies specialized in this type of management from the CHAT that we have on the web or in the following link: Get your money back, we are on your side

      Before making another investment decision, check out this link: https://zuverlassigerforexbroker.com/beste-Makler-2021/


  3. Juan Santibanez Reply

    Hello, these people have no scruples when it comes to wanting to screw you, I was a victim of them in the sum of 17 thousand dollars, plus the alleged profits. do not believe in them, they keep your account open but frozen so that it does not look like theft, as long as you do not deposit 10% according to them they will deposit all of your money, but everything is a lie.

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hi Juan, we thank you for sharing with us your experience with the PT Banc broker. What you say sounds very, very bad, and above all, it speaks very badly of PT Banc.

      Do you have any other information about the broker (such as phone numbers)?

      All the best

  4. ptbanc is a scam Reply

    Two years ago I invested € 500 and currently had a capital, thanks to the operations they were doing, of five figures (important) and for months no one has contacted me and the capital has stopped.

    I have had several traders and they all disappeared without a trace. Elisabeth Blanco ([email protected]Danny Strong, I can't get in touch with him either by WhatApp or by email ([email protected]), I have also sent emails to [email protected] and [email protected]. They all bounce back to my inbox. What I'm looking for is how to report these scammers.

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello PTBANC, it is a scam, we thank you for sharing with us your experience with the PT BANC broker, in principle, how did you decide to invest with them?

      Do you have any other information about the broker (such as emails, names of advisers, phone numbers)? Relevant data or information about your experience with them.

      All the best

  5. Fernando Reply


    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Fernando, thank you for sharing your experience with PT Banc, do you remember how you came to find them in the first place? If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us. We are very sorry for the situation you are in.


  6. Paola Labrana Reply

    Is a gotcha. I just lost more than $ 35.000.000 Three so-called traders or advisers who are nothing more than thieves. They operate in the same way, one takes money from you, another closes your account and if you get complicated, they put a supposed financial director who obviously is not. Eduardo Silva, Marco Hidalgo and Larry Bustamante are the names they use. Buda now knows that they scam and investigates them like the Chilean police. We will try to make a report to warn and so that they do not continue to be unpunished because they have been cheating for years. Their platform IS FALSE, just so you think you have an account. I paid 9 million as the 20% tax that they charged me to get my money and they didn't give it to me, then they asked me for $ 2.000 more. For not putting the money to ban the researchers they took everything from me.

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hi Paola, thank you for sharing your experience with PT Banc, do you remember how you came to find them in the first place? If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us.

      You should also contact the Chilean regulator, the CMF.


  7. Jose Antonio Reply

    Hello, I am Jose Antonio, I am telling you about my case to serve as your experience in investing in the PTBANC platform, which are professional scammers who only ask you for money to invest and they told me they were a team of professional brokers who They knew where to invest and get big profits. I saw some ads online and a certain EDUARDO BENEGAS called me with the phone number 442038073537. 5 minutes later, SARA BENITEZ called me with the phone number 35796078035 but later he called me from the number 911232305 He spoke kindly to me and told me to make an investment in the NASDAQ 100. I listened to him and from my bank account I made a bank transfer to the account I had created in PTBANC The next day he called me and told me to look at the platform that he had earned 2000 euros. Then he advised me to make another investment in the BITCOIN. This investment could be made in packages of up to (55000) euros with the insured capital and that would last 15 days, from December 3 to 17, 2018 when the operation would be closed. I was convinced and made a transfer to my PTBANC account of 30000 euros, another of 9000 euros and another of 16000 euros. He told me that until the operation was closed, he would not be able to see the benefits that he assured me of at least 35000 euros. He called me every day encouraging me that everything was going well but as of December 17 he stopped calling me, which is strange to me. I tried to contact Sara Benitez every day after with negative results and they blocked my phones and the PTBANC platform Seeing the results, I went to the MOSOS DE ESQUADRA in MANRESA because I am Catalan and I gave them all the information I had and that they were aware of the scams that were made online and they made me a file and if I received more information they would present to be able to investigate. On January 16, a certain MARCOS HIDALGO called me with the telephone number +35796635686 telling me that he was an executive chief of the PTBANC platform and that he was aware of my case and wanted to help me recover the money from My account. He told me to send him a commission of 10444 euros because it was blocked and he would unlock it and send all the capital to my CAIXABANK bank account in MANRESA (BARCELONA) I sent him the commission that I had to request a loan of 10500 euros because I was broke and I saw the only possibility of recovering my investment and I made a transfer to Cb Payments, Ltd destination account EE29 7700 77100196 1370 Cbaeurhprbxyuz. AND ANOTHER SCAM. I caught a DEPRESSION that I almost died because I was 2 months that I only slept 2 hours at night and I woke up and could no longer sleep and lost 10 kilos of weight.At 3 months I received other calls from MARCOS HURTADO from different phones +4942183678532 from GERMANY, +442038073537 from the UNITED KINGDOM and 35220301350 from LUXEMBOURG asking me for 5000 euros that were missing to unlock the account and I said no and stopped calling. I made another complaint to the MOSOS DE ESQUADRA which is the native police of CATALONIA and I They said that I would not send them more money that they were professional scammers and I followed their advice. Now on June 25, CARLOS HURTADO called me again asking for 800 euros and he would send me 15000 euros from my account and that I would see that I could rescue the money from my account blocked with packages of 15000 euros until all the capital is restored. I told him that if I trust them, they will trust me and they will send me the 15000 euros and in the next packages I willHe would send the commissions and he told me that he could not, because I told him not to continue that he only made me send him money to steal me. He threatened to close my account, and so I am. Now I have found a lawyer to help me and I have filed a complaint and authorize the DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR OF THE GENERALITY OF CATALONIA on the occasion of the Public Safety survey of Catalonia so that it can investigate my case. And so I am. I have explained my case so that you do not invest in the PTBANC platform. THEY ARE PROFESSIONAL SCAMMERS, IF I GET MORE INFORMATION I WILL ALREADY BRING YOU UP TO DATE OF THE FACTS. SEE YOU SOON . I WANT MY EXPERIENCE TO HELP YOU.

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello José Antonio, thank you for sharing your experience with PT Banc, do you remember how you came to find them in the first place? We are very sorry for your situation. Any other information you have about your experience with the company would be very helpful. We think it would also be good for you to contact the CNMV (Spanish financial regulator). We are very sorry for everything you have been through Jose.


    • Fernando Reply

      My case is quite similar to his, not so many but I think we should get together so that they can not operate in any country and also try to lock him in jail. I would be interested in contacting your attorney so that I can study a common attack.

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