✔️ Information reviewed and updated in May 2024 by Eduardo López

Companies and broker companies



Not sure which broker to select?

You don't know if you can trust the broker they have recommended to you? We give you tips:

Many times it will happen to you that you will not be sure about whether to operate with a broker. And this is normal, since you will be investing your money with this broker and it is not easy to decide on one.

Well, on this website we will rate and give our opinion on different brokers and companies that offer financial services.

We will also allow users and traders to comment on their experiences, opinions, and rate the brokers with whom they have invested. So we will try to make a section with the brokers that you can trust, the recommended ones, and with which you should not work or invest.

Would you like to know the best 2021 broker ? Find out HERE

This website has been made with the aim of guiding people who want to invest or start investing and do not really know with which company to do it. Our goal is to help you find the best broker according to your needs.

The first thing to be clear about is that there is no broker that is perfect. Whether a broker is the right one for a trader depends on different factors. Logically you will want to choose a broker that suits your needs, which may be very different from those of another trader, so you should have your needs and priorities well defined from the first moment.


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Here we will mention some tips and questions that will help you a lot when choosing (OR NOT CHOOSING) a broker to start trading:

Are you a regulated broker? One of the first steps is to check if the broker is regulated. This is done by verifying the different records in which these types of companies must appear, such as the NFA and the CFTC, although there are several different entities or regulatory bodies. If, for example, the broker mentions being regulated by the CNMV (which is the financial regulator of Spain), this can be verified on the official website of the CNMV, with the broker's regulation number.


Is your broker giving you problems?

Leave a comment on our website explaining your difficulties and we will try to help you. 


Which are the commissions for each operation? This can vary greatly. There are brokers that apply low rates, others that apply flat rates, some brokers charge a minimum per operation, others charge what the bag takes and then apply theirs.

What additional resources and tools offered? Some companies offer extra services and resources to help the trader, you can usually find these on the broker's website. Some of these can be real-time graphs, related news and analysis, economic calendars, tutorials, explanatory videos, glossaries, webinars or free courses, in general educational resources, these are just a few examples.

Which Are the opinions and comments about the company? (Broker reputation) As the question says, what do other traders say about this broker? Just as you should do some research when buying stocks (or lean or not, for a certain investment), you should also do it before selecting one broker or another.

Do some research on the broker with which you are thinking of opening an account. Asking other traders (investors) is also a good idea. Think of it as when you want to buy a second-hand (used) product from a seller, it is best to buy from a seller with a good reputation and a positive rating. A salesperson who has already made a lot of sales. Investigate before if he is a good seller, if someone has already bought from him before.

Is your customer service good? There is nothing as irritating as waiting and waiting and waiting for help. A good idea is (before opening your account), check the company's customer service with a question, so you know how long it takes to respond or contact you.

Imagine being in the middle of an operation and you need customer service for a technical problem, but the broker's support does not answer you. It won't be fun at all. It is a fundamental point.

Would you like to know the best 2021 broker ? Find out HERE

Does it have customer service in your language?  Customer service in your language is very important, because if you later have a problem or doubt, you should use it.

The language of the platform is also important, as you will have to deal with it (and master it) while trading. If you are fluent in English, the chances are that you will have many more options to choose from when it comes to brokers.

What trading platform will I use? The trading platform, for an investor, is their entry into the markets. Be careful with this. As a trader you should ensure that you can understand and use the platform and the software. Some of the most popular platforms are MetaTrader, Ninjatrader, Sirix, or Ctrader.

Some brokers also have their own platform developed by them. A good idea is to look for explanatory videos (tutorials) on YouTube, so you can see how the platform works.

How much do you need to deposit to start operating on the internet? (Minimum initial deposit) Another very important item (for some traders) is how much the broker asks for as an initial deposit. Some traders prefer to start trading with small amounts (or no) of money, or with large amounts in order to diversify more. This is one of the aspects that as a trader you should have well defined.

Is your broker giving you problems?

Leave a comment on our website explaining your difficulties and we will try to help you. 

Do you currently have any promotions or bonuses? This is also an important factor, since sometimes we can find brokers who have some very attractive promotions or bonuses.

We invite you to leave a comment with your experience with brokers, so you would help other traders, or newbies to choose a forex broker that they can trust. You can do this in our "Opinions List“We have separated the brokers on which we have prepared a review in alphabetical order, you can select the different brokers on which we have written an opinion.

We also recommend that you read this section on Fraudulent Brokers, there you can find information on what to do in case you come across a fraudulent broker, and how to recognize a fraudulent broker.

We also want to warn you that many of the comments found on our website are from the same company, in this case to do self-promotion, and often also from a competitor broker, defaming a broker, in these cases we try to moderate the comments, but sometimes it is impossible for us to moderate them all, so we recommend that you judge the broker for yourself and use various sources to do so.

Eduardo Lopez

Editor and Copywriter

I am Eduardo López Martínez, I was born in Madrid, Spain and I am 48 years old. I am a journalist and I am part of the Brokersdeforexconfiables.com team. Do you want to know a little more about me? I invite you to read my biography.

See publications of Eduardo López

Review Rating

429 comments on «Reliable forex broker»

  1. Arnau Reply

    Hello Esteban,

    The same thing happened to me on gemateto.com.
    They ask me 18% to withdraw funds when the first few times they didn't ask me for anything.

    Is a gotcha. I saw it too late.

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Arnau, we are currently working on several reviews and we will do one as soon as possible about this broker. If they have tried to contact you via social networks or mobile, be suspicious, it may be a fraud.


  2. Esteban Reply

    Hello Simón, if you could tell me a little more about your case I would appreciate it, I am currently wanting to withdraw money and they ask me to add 7% of the amount I want to withdraw as a fee to transfer funds.

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Esteban, I don't know what broker you are talking about, but it is an excuse to steal more money from you, if you deposit it, you will lose your money plus what you pay now, it is a fraud.


  3. Pepe Reply

    Hello, I have been operating with gemateto and the first few times I have been able to withdraw small amounts without problem. Now after a substantial profit, I have tried to withdraw and have the account frozen while they make me pay taxes. If I don't pay in 3 days, they will charge 2% each day to my frozen pile. If I don't pay I lose the money and they say they will sue me for not paying taxes. Has this happened to anyone? That's how it is?? I am very afraid

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Pepe, don't be afraid of threats, and don't believe them, they want to scam you. GEMATETO is a fraud, everything you comment indicates that this is the case, in any case, we will delve into the topic to obtain more information and we will proceed to make a review.


  4. Simon Reply

    stolen by gemateto.com I was scammed operating on this platform with their servers in Hong Kong, they have a very credible system, above all, they let you withdraw the first few times, I was able to withdraw 6 times. Then everything catastrophic begins.

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hi Simon, we are currently working on several reviews and will do one as soon as possible about this broker. If they have tried to contact you via social networks or mobile, be suspicious, it may be a fraud.



    CREDI FINANCIAL EXPRESS SL., NIFB87512182. Address, Paseo de la Castellana number 259, floor 18, CP 28048 MADRID, whose administrator John Freddy Villamizar, together with Elit Property Vision LTD, based in Sofia (Bulgaria), Geo Milev street number 112, Partner Floor, Office 1, and also FENIX TRADING SOLUTIONS SL and against its administrator Rezaeian
    Mohammadi Majid, are part of a network of fraudulent companies with numerous complaints for crimes of fraud, appropriation
    improper and unfair administration.
    They have a network of websites that advertise miraculous profits through trade.
    They have caused the ruin of many families. They're thieves !!
    The CNMV has warnings about the deception they carry out.

    Websites like
    and many others belong to this group of criminals. They are all illegal

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello ROBBED, WE ASK ALL PEOPLE WHO HAVE INFORMATION ABOUT THESE OFFENDERS, TO ANONYMOUSLY WRITE TO OUR CONTACT FORM TO GIVE CONCRETE DETAILS OF THE OWNERS OF THESE COMPANIES, this WTCInversion broker is a SCAM, the CNMV, the financial regulator of Spain, has denounced WTCInversion for fraudulent activities, it is not advisable to invest money in a NON-REGULATED broker.
      Many customers have complained about NOT BEING ABLE TO WITHDRAW YOUR MONEY.
      ALL positive comments from this broker are FALSEThey are made by their own workers to confuse investors.
      November 2020 update: CNMV, the Spanish financial regulator, has denounced WTCInversion due to fraudulent maneuvers.
      We recommend that all those affected try to recover the money through companies specialized in this type of management from the chat we have on the web or at the following link:


  6. Humberto Reply

    Hello I would like to know if sandaroinvest.com and atlascryptomanagement.com are scams

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello Humberto, we are working these days on a review about Sandaroinvest and Atlascryptomanagement, they are a SCAM, do not invest money with them, they will keep everything.

      We recommend that all those affected try to recover the money through companies specialized in this type of management from the chat we have on the web or at the following link:

      A greeting.


    We need to connect the dots to dismantle these criminals. They are expert and unscrupulous thieves to steal every last euro from the victims they capture with their ingenious deceptions.
    Their relatives, neighbors and acquaintances must know that they live with thieves, that what they have they have stolen they have not legally earned.
    Please provide information about these characters, phone numbers, email addresses, names ...
    everestbtc .com / https: //
    capitalpro-inv .com / page-trade /
    CREDI FINANCIAL EXPRESS SL and its administrator Jhon Freddy Villamizar
    FENIX TRADING SOLUTIONS SL and its administrator Rezaeian Mohammadi Majid.

    INCREASE THE LIST OF THESE UNAPPRENSIVE !!!! These all belong to the same plot
    they are constantly creating web pages and their deception is insatiable ...

    • reliableforexbroker.com Reply

      Hello, thank you for writing and following up on this group of companies that are dedicated to SCAMMING honorable PEOPLE. We are going to review these brokers and although most of us already have articles made, we will update them.

      Thank you for your support.


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